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Pizza brand accidentally tweets joke about pizza on domestic abuse hashtag


LET THIS BE a lesson to brands with an active social media presence – ALWAYS know what you’re tweeting about, before you tweet it.

The hashtag #WhyIStayed has popped up on Twitter in retaliation to the controversy surrounding American football player Ray Rice (which you can read more about here).

Ravens Rice Cut Football Ray Rice Source: AP/Press Association Images

In summary, though: Rice’s contract with the Baltimore Ravens was terminated after video footage emerged of him punching and knocking out his then-fiancée Janay Palmer.

Palmer has since married Rice, and the hashtag sprung up in support of her – “to explain the psychology and reality of domestic abuse situations”, says Vox.

However the pizza brand DiGiorno’s didn’t get the memo, joining in on the popular hashtag with this…

whyistayed Source: Screengrab via Uproxx

…before realising it contained highly emotional, sensitive material like this.

The tweet was deleted and an apology was hastily issued:

No doubt somewhere in the DiGiorno offices a ‘social media expert’ is getting a very stern talking-to.

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